Hobie Wins Emmy in Sunday’s Award Show

Hobie with emmy

Best Performance of a Dog in a Foster Role

Recently Hobie received an Emmy for Best Performance of a Dog in a Foster Role with Gateway Pet Guardians. The following is his acceptance speech:

“I’m standing here in lieu of my fellow nominees who are just as deserving, if not more so, of this moment. I’m standing here because of an army of people and volunteers at Gateway Pet Guardians who see the possibility in every single dog.

Hobie on leash

But most of all I am standing here because of my foster dad. His patience, determination and love have taught me to be the best dog I could possibly be. Not only is he a fabulous playmate (tug-of-war!), but he has also taught me useful commands like  ‘sit,’ ‘stay,’ ‘lie down,’ and even ‘shake/paw.’ I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to live in a wonderful home where I can spend my days cuddling, sleeping and resting up for a great walk or run.

I’ve been told that I am well behaved and a model citizen (probably because I’m potty trained), and though I appreciate the kudos, I cannot take all the credit. Behind every well-mannered pup is a loving team of people who teach him or her how to trust.

I would like to dedicate this award to my canine brothers and sisters who are waiting for their forever home, just like me…one day my friends! Thank you!”

Hobie on back

Make Hobie’s ultimate dream come true, please check out our adoption process and fill out an application here: Pet Adoption Policies & Application. You may also email us at adopt@gatewaypets.com for more information.
Adoption Policy and Application