Silly Single Female Looking For Love in the Heartland

Fiona blog photos


Do you like Pina Coladas and Getting Caught in the Rain?

I’m just kidding! I’m not old enough so my foster mom won’t let me drink Pina Coladas. But I do love getting caught in the rain. Actually, I like AFTER it rains! Because that is when I get to jump in puddles! Doesn’t that sound like fun?


My name is Fiona and I’m an athletic lady looking for the perfect home. I love playing with any toy I can get my paws on and also love to run with my foster brothers and sisters. I’m so fast I can beat them with one leg tied behind my back. Okay, its not actually tied behind my back, but I do race them with three legs. When I was younger, I injured my leg so I learned to run on three legs! But don’t feel bad, I still use my “other” leg to hold toys and paw at the door when I need to go outside (yes I’m house-broken, hold your applause until the end please).


When I’m not putting my foster siblings to shame in a foot race, I like to give my humans lots of love! Since I’m the perfect size (I carry my 26 lbs well), I can fit on their laps or even chests if they let me. I’m also a major fan of kisses, so prepare to pucker up.  My mad athletic skills come in handy because if I can’t reach your lips (not sure why you would avoid Fiona kisses), I can jump to reach them. That’s right, I’m a high jumping champ.


My profile title says that I’m “Looking for Love in the Heartland” and to be honest, I am DYING to meet my new family. So…If I’m the love you’ve been looking for, apply for me and escape!

Are you Fiona’s perfect match? Please check out our adoption process and fill out an application here: Pet Adoption Policies & Application. You may also email us at for more information.
Adoption Policy and Application