Jennifer and DueLife with a hound dog is always exciting. Our boy Due promises this to be true! Due came to us as an owner surrender because his owner was moving and couldn’t take him and his sister, Emily, with him. Emily was adopted shortly after, but Due spent some time at the Emergency Shelter, waiting for an angel to come along and show him the good life.

Jennifer McClung learned that Due needed a place to stay over the July 4th weekend to give our shelter staff a break, and she couldn’t say no! But, what was meant to be a temporary stay with Jennifer and her husband August turned into a permanent situation. Due flourished in their home, and got along with their dog, and the couple grew fond of him quickly. Due became a permanent foster in their household and they have been helping him find his forever home since!

Due is a blast to be around, and never ceases to make you laugh. Jennifer explains: “The first day we had Due for a slumber pawty we found out how agile and smart he is. He managed to counter surf, open cabinets and find food. Clearly in the hour that we were gone, he thought we would never come back and of course then he had to fend for himself. Due is a bit plump and needs to go on frequent walks to fight the bulge, it’s a good thing that he loves walks!”

DueJennifer and August are helping Due work through his quirks. Due is a barker, as most hound dogs are, and they work with him to break this habit. And, perhaps because he loves his food so much, he tends to resource guard, but the couple are determined to break him of that habit. But to counter his quirks, Due has several other lovely traits to offer. Due has lost weight, loves to sleep under the covers, is a perfect angel when left alone, is a professional cuddler, is wonderful with their dog, learns tricks easily, and is a great running buddy!

Clearly, Due has hit the jackpot with the McClungs as his foster parents, but he is still waiting to find his forever home! Jennifer and August are eager to help him find his happily ever after, and then bring in another homeless animal. If you are on the fence about fostering, Jennifer gives this advice:

“Please Foster! It is such a rewarding experience. It isn’t the easiest at times, but it is all worth it when your foster opens up, gives you a kiss, learns a new trick, cuddles with you or overcomes a bad habit. These fosters have so much love to give and all they want is a chance. GPG completely supports you as a Foster Parent, and there are tons of outlets and information that they provide. They are with you the whole way through and someone is available anytime you need assistance.

“Sometimes people tell me that they could never foster because it would be too hard to give each dog up.  But the way I see it, is that it is more difficult for me knowing that if I didn’t foster innocent dogs will never get a chance. Yes it is hard, I cry everytime I finalize an adoption, but  I find joy knowing that dog will now have the life he/she deserves and I will be able to help another fur baby!”

Want to give it a shot? Learn more about our foster program by visiting And if you find Due as irresistible as we do, visit to find out how to make him a permanent resident of your family!