
We’ve got two new happy faces to introduce you to on this big game day!  Meet Bronco and Seahawk, our most recent rescues from St. Clair County Animal Control!

These guys are super happy to be here, as you can see, and are both available for adoption from Gateway Pet Guardians!

Here’s the starting lineup:


This gorgeous guy with the big smile is Bronco! He’s a beautiful brindle boy with a soft white tux, white toes and the most stunning brown eyes! He’s staying at our Shelter until he finds a foster home or forever home.

Bronco is a good boy who hasn’t had any accidents in his kennel so we’re hoping he’s house trained. He hasn’t met the other dogs at the shelter nor has he had a chance to be around cats or children yet. He’s a very friendly guy who’s full of personality and likes giving everyone kisses!


This sweet boy loves getting attention from the Shelter Staff, enjoys sitting on their laps and his favorite thing in the world is belly rubs! Bronco is playful and loves running around outside. He’s never been on a leash before so he’s learning how to walk nicely on one.


This lovable boy is a lot of fun to have around! He kept sticking his tongue out when he was getting his photo taken and the Shelter Staff, who have already given him cute nicknames, can’t help but laugh when he gets vocal to get their attention.


Bronco looks forward to finding a foster home he can hang out in until he finds his forever home. If you’d like to give him a temporary home until he finds his forever home, please visit our website to learn about our Foster Program & fill out an application.


Meet Seahawk!  After coming back from maternity leave, Executive Director of Gateway Pet Guardians, Jamie Case decided it was time to visit St. Clair County Animal Control and save some dogs!  On the visit, standing at the edge of the kennel was a happy, tail-wagging pit bull terrier type dog with cropped ears.


These weren’t any cropped ears, these were (unfortunately) terribly-cropped ears, like someone took it upon themselves to crop them.  However, this eight month old pup stood proud with his tongue hanging out and put on his best ‘pick me, pick me’ attitude.  How could we resist?  His time was up at Animal Control and pit bull terrier type dogs often get a bad rap and don’t end up getting picked.


As a pit bull owner and lover, Jamie picked Seahawk!  We aren’t sure of his previous life but we do know it probably wasn’t the best. After leaving Animal Control, he immediately went to the vet to be neutered, vaccinated and microchipped.  The doctor confirmed he is one happy and healthy boy!  Jamie and her husband decided he was just the guy for their household! And, Seahawk became their first foster dog after having their baby!


Seahawk sits patiently around their 10-week old baby, plays hard with their other dogs and snuggles when given the chance.  He loves to run and play in the yard with sticks (or anything else he can chase).  At any given point, you can see him bounding through the house or yard, tongue hanging out and smiling!  He is also a well-behaved boy who is potty-trained and doesn’t jump up for affection.  Since Seahawk is a young guy, he’s looking for a forever home that has other dogs to run around & play with. He’s also looking for a human to snuggle and exercise with.

Do you have room in your heart & home for this gorgeous guy with the big smile? If so, please visit our website to learn about our adoption process & fill out an application. You may also email us at for more information.
