Before-rescue-in-attic1A featured post from GPG Foster Karen Goodman’s blog, Future Ex-Pat

Before I even had my foster puppies Jojo and Sylvie adopted, I knew that I would foster again.

I had a few out of town trips scheduled after they left, so I decided to wait to foster another dog until all of the trips were over…which would mean not fostering again until the end of July.

A couple of weeks ago, I offered to give one of the shelter dogs a vacation from the shelter. The plan was to bring Padme home for about 5 days, and then take her back to the shelter. It only took a couple of days to know that wasn’t going to happen. There was no way I could let this loving girl spend her days alone in a kennel surrounded by barking dogs.

Instead, I found another foster volunteer who took her last weekend while I went floating the Meramec River, and she’ll go back to that volunteer again later this month if she hasn’t been adopted yet because I’m attending the BlogHer conference in Chicago.

After I told Gateway that I was going to be Padme’s permanent foster until I could find her a forever home, I found out her full story…and I became even more committed that this sweetie would never spend another night in the shelter.

Visit Karen’s blog, Future Expatto read the story and see pictures and videos of Padme’s rescue from the attic of an abandoned house in East St. Louis and see how well Padme is doing today!

Go back to the Gateway Pet Gazette homepage to check up on one of Padme’s puppies, Luke and his new sister Leela (not to be confused with Leia) who is also a GPG alum.

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