
This week’s foster spotlight is on a very special woman and one of the original veterans of GPG, Julia Mittelstadt. She has been with GPG since its founding in 2004. She’s had so many fosters throughout the years that there is no way she could count them on her fingers and toes. She has no preference when it comes to age or even type of animal to foster. If there is a pup in need (and she has a weak moment), she has a place for that pup in her home. It was difficult for Julia to come up with her most memorable moment because she has had so many with all the pups she’s helped.

Julia has a full house when it comes to her fur babies. She has two dogs and four cats. And, that’s not including any fosters coming in and out at any time! Luckily, she has a saint of a husband who puts up with all those shenanigans!!! When she’s not caught up with all her pets, she is a realtor.

Julia’s advice to all old and new fosterers is that we do this to find homes for dogs in need, both street and shelter dogs. We are the portal through which these dogs move from their street or shelter life to loving forever homes. If it weren’t for Julia and her help in organizing GPG, we would not have been able to save so many lives! Thank you for your continued and unwavering serve to GPG!

If you are interested in fostering, please visit our Fostering Page to learn more!

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