This week’s foster spotlight is about a very special lady, Julie Alexander. Julie became involved with GPG because of her unique experience in helping pregnant dogs give birth to their precious pups. We have been relying on Julie’s care and expertise with these special mom cases for almost two years. In that time, she has had the exceptional gift of taking in three different momma dogs with an unimaginable amount of puppies.
Julie has found fostering moms and their pups to be so much fun! Helping these courageous moms give birth to their litters and getting to be a part of the little babies’ early development is an experience unlike any other. When Julie is not helping out momma dogs, she is busy being a wonderful photographer.
After Julie’s first experience with expecting moms, she knew that was her special calling. She wanted to help other dogs in that same situation deliver (hopefully) their last litters in a safe and loving home. Ever since then, she has become GPG’s go-to-person when it comes to momma dogs in need. She has some wise advice for new fosters; even though what we do for our fosters is very important, your own pack should come first. To truly help a dog in need you must make sure you maintain balance with your own dogs first.
We cannot thank you enough, Julie, for the wonderful work you do with these precious animals during the most special moment of their lives. Thanks from GPG! If you are interested in fostering, please visit our Fostering Page to learn more!