Stacie and her family found Gateway Pet Guardians by way of her friend, Amie. Amie was rescuing a Chocolate Lab in East St. Louis, who they later fostered/adopted. Stacie has been fostering and volunteering with GPG for over three years and has had five fosters in that time. She prefers to foster adult dogs because they are more suitable for her busy schedule. She has two other dogs who also prefer a little less chaos in their home, being that there are four kids and a cat already! Stacie feels that most adult dogs have probably never felt the warmth and love of being in a home, so that’s another reason she loves fostering them. She enjoys watching them become loving dogs!
Stacie’s favorite foster has and always will be Trendley. She says that Trendley changed her life as much as she changed Trendley’s! Trendley came with her own set of issues though, like busting out of her crate and the yard, jumping over furniture, and chewing up some shoes. However, watching her turn into a healthy, happy dog was the greatest reward for Stacie. Her best advice to a new foster is to not be discouraged when you become attached to him or her. It’s normal and it happens to everyone! It’s okay to cry when you take them to their forever homes, but always remember that it is because of YOU that the dog’s life has forever been changed. That is a big deal!
When Stacie isn’t fostering or volunteering for GPG, she is spending time with her boyfriend, her two rescued Chocolate Labs named Dook and Bodhi, and a cat named Darla. Stacie’s boyfriend has four kids, all under the age of ten, who love fostering as well! They look forward to it even when the fosters sometimes don’t! Thank you Stacie, for all you do for GPG!
If you are interested in fostering, please visit our Fostering Page to learn more!