On Saturday, October 13, Gateway Pet Guardians hosted a Community Pet Day in Virginia Park where 95 pets received free rabies and distemper/parvo vaccinations. GPG also distributed pet supplies, including leashes, collars, treats, and custom engraved pet tags; and signed pets up for free spay/neuter services.

In years past, we have hosted our clinics at Jones Park and Lincoln Park in East St. Louis, Illinois. But this year, we decided to move our clinics to other parks in our service area with hopes of hitting new clients and expanding our services. In May, we also vaccinated 110 pets in Village of Cahokia Park.

Our main objective as an animal welfare organization is to help keep pets with their families and out of our municipal shelters by providing resources to an otherwise resource desert in East Saint Louis. Without fail, we always have a line around the block full of wonderful, gracious pet owners who just need a little assistance making sure their animals stay healthy and happy. With limited space for intake and a national euthanasia rate in the millions, offering low cost/free services in support of responsible pet ownership is the future of animal welfare. We are seeing amazing results with this model and look forward to helping even more of our community’s residents once we move to our new facility!

Learn more about our Community Programs, and check out some of the incredible photos from the clinic by clicking the link below:

Family Portraits | Virginia Park Vaccination Clinic

We would like to thank everyone who made the clinic possible—from the volunteers, to the veterinarians and vet techs, to the families that attended with their pets. We are also thankful to the city for welcoming us with open arms and allowing us to use their park.