Gladys was rescued from Animal Control in 2015. She was emaciated and covered in open sores from neglect. She spent some time at our Emergency Shelter and soon found a foster home where she could rest and recover.
Gladys was adopted in November 2015 and became her family’s first dog. She now spends her days playing in her big yard with her human brother and sister, and spends her nights snuggling with her new mom, Heather.
Heather said this about Gladys:
“Gladys is the perfect dog. I’m so glad we adopted her! Gladys has acclimated well to our family and her new surroundings. She loves her ‘babies’ (my daughter and son) and is very sociable with all of their little friends. She helps me tuck them in each night and wake them up each morning. Gladys enjoys taking walks and wags her tail at everyone we meet along the way. She is trying desperately to be friends with the 3 felines that live in our house, but they just aren’t reciprocating her advances. She is a bed hog and has quite the snore 😉 All in all, Gladys quickly became one of the family and forever part of our hearts.”
It took GPG’s rescue team, shelter staff, selfless fosters and adoption program to make Gladys a HAPPY TAIL! It takes a village to save a dog!