
Hi, my name is Spike (Corduroy). I used to live outside in the cold. My brothers and all but one sister died out there. Now I have adopted humans who love me. I almost have them trained. I let my Mom & Dad think that they are teaching me to potty outside, to sit, stay, and lay down, but really I’m training them. They are coming along really well, but I’m still trying to get them to let up me on the couch when I feel like it. My Mom says I have doubled in size since I adopted her. I get lots of treats and yummy food, and my humans buy me toys. I love to bring all my toys from my crate into the living room, one by one in the morning. Then i lay them on my bed and figure out which one I’m going to play with first. I take Mom for a walk when she comes home for lunch and then we all walk together in the evenings. I’m a good walker! I’m learning leave it, take it, and walk. I love running into other dogs and especially kids. They love me, too! I get in trouble for jumping up sometimes, though. My Mom and Dad tell me all the time that I’m the best puppy ever and they give me lots of love and kisses. I’m happy I found my humans. I love them.

– April Belangee