Humphrey afterWe’d seen Humphrey around for a while, but he was a feral dog and extremely shy. We couldn’t give him to just any foster family – it would have to be an experienced dog owner.  Humphrey also had a majorly broken leg and we knew his vet bills were going to be sky high.  On an unrelated story, Fox 2’s Theresa Woodard did a ride-a-long with Jamie in East St. Louis during a fateful, snowy January evening.  When the segment aired, the vitriol rolled in.

Humphrey before

Concerned viewers took to Fox 2’s Facebook page, outraged that we didn’t rescue Humphrey right then and there. Of course, they didn’t understand the complexity of the situation – the need for an experienced foster, getting someone to loan us a trap, getting close enough to him to even catch him.  We used this as an opportunity.  We followed up with every comment on Fox 2’s page, letting each person know that if they would be willing to become Humphrey’s foster, we’d go out and try to trap him the next morning. It wasn’t surprising that when the burden of responsibility was flipped around, most of those folks who were so quick to cut us down suddenly had every excuse in the world as to why they couldn’t take another dog.   But there was one person who gladly jumped at the chance to help us rescue this guy.  We were finally able to trap Humphrey a week later and get him medical care.

Humphrey’s front left leg was so damaged that it had to be immediately amputated and we launched yet another campaign to raise money to cover massive vet bills.  As for Humphrey, he warmed up to his new foster family so much that they decided to keep him!

View Humphrey’s Album

If Humphrey’s story touched your heart, consider making a donation in his honor to the Gateway Pet Guardians Second Chance Fund to help save other strays just like him.

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