imagePopeye was rescued in August 2015 after he was dumped and left to fend for himself. At his first visit to the Vet it was discovered that Popeye had severe eye trauma and was almost blind. But he didn’t let that stop him from enjoying his newly rescued life! Full of energy and love, Popeye was adopted a few months later and his Happy Tail could finally begin.

image(1)Popeye’s new mom Carly has this to say about Popeye:

“Well, we can not imagine life without him, as cheesy as that sounds. He likes to play hard to get, can see better than I think was originally believed, plays fetch, needs to be tucked in at night, loves his friends Angus and Kai, goes camping and hiking, runs with his mom, and is learning to not pull on the leash. I can’t say much more than we love him very much and he has taught us a ton already.”

We could not be happier for Popeye and his new family!!