If April showers bring May flowers, what will May flowers bring? A question the Gateway Pet Guardians Community Outreach Team is eager to find out. The past several weeks we have worked, despite the weather, to deliver supplies to community members and pets in need, making 47 unique stops and adding 22 new cases to our list. The graphic on this page highlights the supplies that were delivered throughout the month.

Executive Director Jamie Case reflects about her favorite stop this month: “I am more of a large, slobbery pit bull kind of girl, myself but when I saw Cookie, my heart melted. This fluffy “little” was just so adorable. I was able to chat with her mama, Phyllis about why she loves Cookie and what things she can do to help Cookie with her itchy skin. After a quick look, she didn’t have fleas but maybe a little allergy. We talked about some natural options to try to see if they help. We left Cookie and Phyllis both smiling and happy that we stopped to talk with them!”

We are proud to help families by providing the resources and supplies needed to care for their pets. But once again, because we were so busy this month, we have almost completely run out of supplies! If you would like to contribute to help us re-stock for May deliveries, click here. And learn more about our Community Outreach Program by clicking here.