
Love me tender,
love me sweet,
never let me go
You have made my life complete,
and I love you so.

Well hello there, I hope I wasn’t disturbing you. I was just singing my favorite tune by my famous namesake, The King. I practice that song a lot because I’m hoping one day to sing it to my adoptive family.


Until that day I’m enjoying living with my wonderful foster family. I got to be honest; I’m a pretty easygoing dog. My main goal each day is to get pet as much as possible and cuddle. Seriously, that’s really all I want to do. Hey, if you have never gotten your belly or ears rubbed before, you are missing out BIG TIME.

So you are probably asking why would you want to adopt me? Well not to brag, but I’m a total sweetheart (My foster mom said so). I just love people…kids included. I’m not sure if I like cats. I met one once and she slapped me in the face. Who does that? So I would have to probably meet some different felines before making my final decision. I’m also house trained and can handle a crate when needed.



Okay, so there are some things you need to know. I’m an older crooner and therefore I’ve got some dents in the armor. And by dents I mean I’m almost completely blind. But my foster mom puts drops in my eyes everyday and they make me feel a lot better. I also get around really well and only bump into things every once in awhile. Because I have trouble seeing, I’m a little slow to warm up to new dogs. Once I spend a few minutes sniffing around, I’m fine. So I will need a family that will let me set the pace on intros.

I know that the idea of having a dog with some challenges can be scary. But I can promise this: I will love and cuddle with you every day, forever.


Love me tender,
love me dear,
tell me you are mine.
I’ll be yours through all the years,
till the end of time.

Make Elvis yours until the end of time, please check out our adoption process and fill out an application here: Pet Adoption Policies & Application. You may also email us at adopt@gatewaypets.com for more information.
Adoption Policy and Application