Anne and Greg Halvachs have been fostering for Gateway Pet Guardians for over seven years. They are an incredible team, and have saved countless lives. They recently welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Violet, into their lives. Anne has a special message for her daughter, and was kind enough to share with the world. Thank you, Anne, for sharing your story.

Everyone knows I love animals, dogs especially. Fostering is a passion of mine, one that has brought me so much joy, happiness, at times heartache, and has connected me to a community of people who are more like family than friends. When we were expecting Violet I continued to foster, and knew that I wanted to keep doing so, but did not know how to make it happen with a baby. I know there are people who see me as crazy given the amount of dogs I have had, and I am sure there are those thinking that I need to give fostering a “break” now that I’m a mom. That I would be selfish to foster a dog when I should be focusing on Violet.

To those I say yes, Violet is and always will be my priority. I want her to know how loved she is, that she is safe, taken care of, provided for. I also want her to know that in this life we have to take care of each other, to be a voice for the voiceless. To help those who cannot help themselves. To love unconditionally. I want her to see me at my best, doing what I love even when it’s hard, messy, and at times stressful. I want her to see how much love a person can give. That physical possessions can be replaced, but love and kindness and memories last forever.

Fostering is a calling. To know that a life is saved, cared for, and made to feel love when all it has known is sadness, pain and loneliness, that is something you cannot put a price on. I want Violet to know the unconditional love that dogs give. I want her to know their goodness. I want her to know that she has a voice and is strong enough to advocate on their behalf. So, with that said, I would like you to meet Millie, our new foster dog.


As Mahatma Ghandi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Anne and Greg are teaching their daughter this lesson first-hand through their fostering experience. If you would like to learn about how you can become a foster and help homeless animals like Millie, visit To adopt Millie, visit