

Please join us for another year of fabulous trivia benefiting local animal welfare organizations!  this year, we have 10 programs or organizations benefiting from the event and it will be bigger than ever!  Raffles, Games, Silent Auction, Information Booths and More!

Tickets are $35 per person or $350 for a table of ten.

Beer, Wine & Soda are included in your ticke price.  You may bring your own food, but no outside beverages.

Dan Dillon is our trivia master for the night!

We will have amazing merchandise available as part of the silent auction!

The first 150 people to bring in an unopened 15lb+ bag of Purina brand pet food or a $15 gift card to Home Depot, PetSmart or PetCo to donate to the groups will receive a special gift that could include a voucher good for 2 Cardinals tickets.

Self-parking in the garage adjacent to the Renaissance is $5 (normally it is $12 for events) and valet is $7 (normally $15 for events). Garage parking is closer to the ballroom than valet.  Parking can be purchased through this website or on-site at the trivia night.

We have 140 tables available for this event and it has sold out in the past.  Please buy your tickets early!

If you have questions, please email  2gals4rescuedpals@gmail.com

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