2013: January Edition


[icon icon=”link” color=”#ffffff” circle=”#444″]Malcolm’s Story[/icon]


One of the hardest things about animal rescue is taking in a feral dog off the streets. It’s a task that most people are just not up for, but for the brave few who do, they know how big of a difference they make in the lives of these neglected animals. This is the story of Malcolm.  His story →

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[icon icon=”link” color=”#ffffff” circle=”#444″]What to do with Your Pups this Winter[/icon]

You know, we’re not the only ones that get cabin fever in the winter! You may be noticing already that your pups are spending a bit less time outside than usual – I know mine are.  Instead of wrestling in the yard for most of the morning before I head off to work, they go outside to take a trot for a few minutes, then right back inside and preferably under the top fleece blanket of the bed. (I admit it; I let them.) What to do… →

[icon icon=”link” color=”#ffffff” circle=”#444″]Myth Buster: Will Chocolate Kill My Dog?[/icon]

If you’re reading this hoping we’ll say new scientific evidence shows that you and your dog can share a bag of Hershey’s Kisses this Friday night, sorry — you’re out of luck. But according to an urban legend in the Miller household, my childhood dog once got into a bag of chocolate Halloween candy and lived to digest it the next morning.  Chocoholics anonymous →

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[icon icon=”link” color=”#ffffff” circle=”#444″]New Year for the Strays Trivia Night[/icon]

New Year for the Strays is the biggest trivia night in St. Louis and it benefits several local animal rescues and shelters. This year, Gateway Pet Guardians will officially become a benefactor. Check out this promotional video. Happy New Year→

[icon icon=”link” color=”#ffffff” circle=”#444″]GPG Community Outreach Program[/icon]

One of our biggest goals at Gateway Pet Guardians is not only to rescue animals, but also prevent animals from having to be rescued in the future and help make the lives of owned pets in East St. Louis the best they can possibly be.  Part of that mission involves a lot of community outreach and education on our part. Roof Roof →

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