Nyla came to us near death in October 2019. She had lost a lot of blood due to a ruptured mammary tumor and needed to stay the night in an emergency veterinary clinic. One of our kind volunteers, Jeanne Sommers, answered our urgent plea to transport her to the emergency clinic. During that short time, Jeanne fell in love with Nyla and offered to foster her when she was released. 

While Nyla made an excellent recovery, we learned soon after that Nyla had two different types of cancer and her life expectancy was uncertain. But Nyla defied the odds, having an incredible half a year in her foster home with her foster mom Jeanne, and her doggy foster sister, Baby Bella. 

Sadly, we said goodbye to Nyla in March 2020. While we are devastated to lose her, we are so grateful for the joy she brought so many people. She was always snuggly, wiggly and happy. We are also forever grateful to Jeanne. Being a hospice foster is not easy but Jeanne did it without thinking twice and surpassed all expectations. She took Nyla to weekly doctor visits, on hikes, to all of her social events, got her massages and provided her with the absolute best life.