We would like to introduce you to Red. Red isn’t pregnant–he isn’t overweight. He’s in congestive heart failure. His dad called our hotline concerned about his bloated condition and we asked him to visit our facility. He carried him through the doors. One look at Red in his dad’s arms and we knew what we were in for.

After a heartworm test, we explained to Red’s dad his condition. Heartworms are causing his body to shut down. As we explained, Red nudged his head into his dad’s hands. He held his head repeating, “I wish I had known.”

Heartworms are a silent killer. Many don’t know they exist until extreme symptoms appear, indicating heart failure. Preventatives are the only way to combat the disease. Soon, preventatives and testing will be more accessible and affordable to families we work with. Our goal is to minimize the “I wish I had knowns” and maximize the negative test results. Our new wellness clinic will help spread awareness about this deadly disease.
Red’s dad is spending as much time with him as he can, and when it is time, he knows where he can turn to for help. Sadly, Red is the fourth pet we have assisted in heart failure since the start of the new year. Each case is devastating, and each has it’s own timeline. But each pet parent knows they have our support when they have to make that difficult decision. We love you, Red. ♥️
— Janet Alderson, Community Director