Nanette and LennonJust a few short months ago, Lennon found himself at Animal Control. As he peered around the room, several other dogs looked back anxiously, waiting to find out what would happen next. A total of eight dogs awaited their fate that day. But Lennon’s whole world was about to change, as well as that of each of his friends’. The fosters at Gateway Pet Guardians rallied together to save the lives of all eight animals in the facility—a feat nothing short of a miracle.

Eight lives were saved because fosters stepped forward to help. One of the fosters, Nanette Small, agreed to bring in Lennon, a 5-year-old black Labrador retriever—which marked the beginning of his amazing journey.

After rescue, we learned that Lennon has heartworm, a serious and potentially fatal disease in dogs. It is caused by foot-long worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels and is transmitted through mosquito bites. In a few weeks, Lennon starts his heartworm treatment, which can be very painful for a dog. Nanette is prepared and will provide a calm, quiet space for him to recover.

LennonLennon loves to be near his people and follows Nanette around like a shadow. He fits in with Nanette’s pack, spending his time lounging around her home and receiving the love and attention he deserves. Nanette says he is one of the easiest dogs she’s had the pleasure of fostering. She looks forward to helping him through his treatments, and helping him finding his happily ever after.

Nanette’s favorite part of fostering is helping animals through the rehabilitation process. She currently sticks to medical cases, because she’s able to provide the calm environment they need. She says, “My favorite thing about fostering is seeing the dogs get better and be able to live happy full lives. I also love seeing them get to go to loving families.”

Would you like to be a part of Lennon’s happily ever after? Learn more about him by clicking here. Or, you can join our courageous team of fosters who save lives every day. To learn more about fostering, click here.