It’s a cold snowy morning in St. Louis, and while most regular folks are hunkered down in their houses trying to stay warm and off the roads, P.J. and crew are up and at ’em in the wee hours of the morning, off to feed the strays on our feeding route in East St. Louis. You know the post office motto? It applies to P.J., too!

Buck getting biscuits

Every morning, P.J. and other volunteers drive over to East St. Louis to feed stray (and owned) dogs on our feeding route.  We have anywhere from 20-40 dogs on the route at any time and many come and go.  The guy in the picture above is Buck.  He’s been on the route for a few months now.

This beautiful blue-eyed boy is Paul. We’ve been keeping tabs on him for a few weeks now. The photo below Paul and his buddies. The brown dog is Wister.  On days like this, P.J. throws on her coveralls to keep warm!


This white beauty in the photo below is Aubrey. If you visit our facebook page, you’ll see photos of her going back a few years.


This girl is RaRa, and she has also been on our feeding route for about 5 years. She has someone who looks after her but we always stop by and give her some milk bones when we see her.  She was also featured in our documentary. 


If you would like to help Gateway Pet Guardians bring these pups into warm, loving homes, consider making a donation.  Our organization is 100% funded by the kindness of people like you, and donations will be used to cover vet bills and food for any animals that we rescue.


Photos by Todd Whiteaker