By Ashley Riley, GPG Vice President
Halloween is about to roll around the corner and I can’t be more excited. It’s my favorite holiday. While I’m a cat owner and my beloved furballs would sooner claw my eyeballs out or smother me in my sleep than tolerate parading around in a Halloween costume… they can’t stop their momma from dreaming. Here’s a few of the greatest pet Halloween costumes I’ve EVER seen.
#10: Doggy Death Star
#9: DogPad
#8: Cerberus
#7: Wookies!
#6: Winnie the Pup (Awwwww!)
#5: Chia Pooch
#4: The USS Corgiprise…boldly going where no dog has gone before…
#3: The Headless Horseman
#2: Spiderpug…Spiderpug…does whatever a spiderpug does…
#1: Luke Dogwalker
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